Kindergarten Registration

The Juniata County School District is now accepting kindergarten registrations for the 2024-2025 school year.

The following items must be presented at registration: child’s Immunization record or statement of exemption; proof of age (birth certificate, passport, baptismal certificate or prior school records); and proof of residency  (a property tax form, deed, lease, or letter on apartment complex or mobile home park letterhead, signed by the landlord; or two of the following: utility bills, bank statement, unemployment/employment check; vehicle registration, driver’s license or Department of Transportation identification card).

Enrollment packets are available at the Juniata County School District Administration Office, 146 Weatherby Way, Mifflintown, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or by contacting Polly Digon at or 717-436-2111, x5002.